Felgueira Village

Vale de Cambra

The village of Felgueira looks out from the Freita mountain range's slopes to the Cabrum River's refreshing waters. It retains all the essence of local traditions and customs.

Cobbled paths, narrow alleyways and rustic granite and slate houses wait patiently to tell you the story of a rurality that is eternalised in time thanks to the friendliness and dynamism of its people.

Breathe in the surrounding nature and let yourself be welcomed by the cultural celebrations of its community. Delight yourself with Arouquesa veal and Gralheira goat, typically local delicacies.


Felgueira Village
Arões, Vale de Cambra

Vale de Cambra Tourism Office
Av. Camilo Tavares de Matos, nº 458, 3730-901, Vale de Cambra
Tel: (+351) 256 420 510
E-mail: geral@cm-valecambra.pt

On the map